Koffi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) in Accra-Ghana hosted an African organization based in Ghana from 21 to 24 October this year.


According to the final minutes of the meeting “Final Communiqué of Accra”, which is summarized in four fundamental points, which highlight the creation of the High Council of Cabinda (ACC) that will be chaired by Father Félix Roberto Cubola Kinyumba “elected unanimously” who will have among other missions to unite all the Cabindan Political forces to negotiate in one voice, with the Angolan government the resolution of the conflict in Cabinda in a peaceful way. 

After being postponed on two occasions, finally the Inter-Cabindan meeting coordinated by the Group Cabinda Unida took place, despite the non-presence of all the Political Forces Cabindesas we hope that this time the creation of a “UNITED POLITICAL PLATFORM OF CABINDA” is a reality, as it urges the need for the children of Cabinda to unite regardless of their political and independent ideologies. 

Therefore, that efforts should not be exhausted which tend to unite the Cabindas, for this reason we must continue to fortify initiatives of this kind, because only together and united can we achieve the Self-Determination of the People of Cabinda. And that such initiatives make possible the opening of “DIALOGUE by the ANGOLAN GOVERNMENT”, with the interlocutors of the people of Cabinda for the end of the conflict and the establishment of a definitive peace. 

The newly created CABINDA HIGH COUNCIL (ACC) to fulfil its role, in accordance with the conclusions and recommendations of the final accra communiqué, and to do its utmost to make the reconciliation of cabindan political forces inclusive and without exception. 

Let it be a democratic and above all independent body!

To publicly disclose your position with respect to the mechanism (Special Statute, Autonomy or Total Independence) that must be adopted to solve the Cabinda problem! 

In the event of the “Union between the Political Forces of Cabinda” that does not monopolize the choice of the mechanism to be adopted for the resolution of the conflict in Cabinda, but that the choice be made in a democratic, independent manner and which prevails at the will of the majority!

May it be prudent to listen to the calls, criticisms and recommendations of the political, civic organizations of civil society, religious entities and independent cadres of Cabinda so that this concertation between the children of Cabinda is no longer a stillstroke or an ephemeris to forget.  

Such as the cases of the “Adhocs” meetings of a recent past that sought not only to unite the cabindas as well as to find a mechanism for solving the problem with the Angolan government: ( Lisbon, Libreville, Helvoirt; Sáfica, Paris, Windhoek, Brazzaville and Namibe “Angola”, which sealed the fateful Memorandum of Understanding (M.E) in 2006, just to name. 

This is an issue that the vast majority of Cabindas would like to be clarified in the face of the past, taking into account the experiences of the past: 

Will the now-created High Council of CABINDA (ACC) assume only the role of concertation between the cabins (with a view to future negotiations with the Angolan government) or become a negotiating body?

 Let us hope that history will not be repeated, because António Bento Bembe, for the most attentive know that after the conciliation meeting of Helvoirt of 23 to 29 August 2004, also known as the Emaús conference in the Netherlands, he assumed the coordination of the FCD “being a Political-diplomatic Platform of internal consultation of the Cabindas” without any powers to negotiate peace agreements , with Angola or another entity representing the people of Cabinda. It is also important to point out that the FCD was composed of the following entities ” FLEC FAC, FLEC Renovada “FLEC”, civil society “represented by the churches of Cabinda and ex-MPLABANDA”. Having in this case, flec renovada, bento bembe participated unilaterally in the signing of the ME in Namibe, Angola, in 2006 as we referred above.

However, as a compatriot from Cabinda wrote, unity is a very precious virtue that characterizes the political maturity of a people, in this sense all initiatives that are striking at this desideratum must be shielded from seriousness and transparency. 

For it is an intrinsic value that makes the unity and strength of a people in the feeling, will, vision and action. For us the Cabindas to self-determination is the best way for our people to live in peace, with dignity and security. 

Read more about it : Mbembu Buala
