
Publicado por Tchissap


Functional organs of the High Council of Cabinda (HCC) :

1. The functional organs of the High Council of Cabinda (HCC) are : the General Assembly, the Governing Council, the Executive Secretariat and the Commissions.

2. The Commissions are : Political, Organization and Spokesperson Commission ; Legal Affairs Commission ; Defense, Security and Veterans Affairs Commission ; Economy, Finance and Planning Commission ; Foreign Affairs Commission ; Social Affairs and Culture Commission ; Family and the Promotion of Women Commission ; Youth and Sport Commission.

Specialized organs of the High Council of Cabinda (HCC) : the Consultative Council and the International Partnership Council.

Specific organs of the High Council of Cabinda (HCC) : the Ethics, Control and Verification Commission, the Emissaries for Peace Commission and the Negotiations Commission.

The High Council of Cabinda is building a new governance paradigm that is both collegial and participatory. To avoid drifts on leadership and egocentricity, another mode of operation is being experimented with having as a base managerial collegiality and to pillar deliberative participation in strategic and operational choices, thus involving the interest and mobilization of all members of the HCC.


Political, Organization Officer and Spokesperson Commission Coordinator

Defense, Security and Elders fighters Commission Coordinator

Economy, Finance and Planning Commission Coordinator

Juridical Commission Coordinator

Social and Culture Commission Coordinator

Women and Family Commission Coordinator

Foreign Relations Commission Coordinator

Youth and Sport Commission Coordinator

Executive Secretariat
Keeper of the Seals


Secretariat Deputy Executive

Treasurer General

Ethics, Control and Verification Commission Coordinator

HCC organization chart
HCC emblem
Message of peace, expression of our will

HCC emphasizes the challenge of democratic learning, a bet for the future.

Courage, perseverance, determination… tolerance, hope, the future… peace, solidarity, fraternity… so many words, values, which resonate more than ever in our heads and in our hearts… strengthen our Faith in Life, Dignity and Freedom.

It is the mirror effect of the Beauty of our struggle, of the Strength of our conviction and of the Wisdom of our hearts and the minds of our ancestors. The HCC thus hoists the white flag of Peace.
